During 2023, 899 Eco-Schools and 250,000 students worked on reducing waste production, combatting marine pollution and promoting responsible consumption and production in 32 cities as a part of the Litter Less Campaign.
Alehousewells Primary School created a 'Free From Fridays' policy and award for classes. Pupils are encouraged to have a 'wrapper free snack' The scheme was presented to the school at assembly, posters were created to remind pupils and a weekly certificate was awarded to maintain awareness and encourage participation. Every Friday the Eco-Committee collects the results from classes and the P2, 3 and 4 eco monitors rotate sharing the news with the winning class. The information is shared on the eco board for the whole school to see. This has developed into a termly award, that uses a trophy that was designed and created by the pupils. They have ideas for the progression of the scheme to maintain its momentum.
In Mallaig Primary School, the children worked closely with their parent council to form a charity called ‘Mallaig Clean’. BBC Alba (TV channel) and other journalists have written articles on their charity and the children hosted a launch event to which they invited local councillors.
They worked with several local businesses, including the local ferry company. Litter picks are once a month and involve either the whole school or class at a time, and all members of the community are invited. The children have seen a decreased amount of litter in their local area.
Through Eco-Schools application received over the last year (23/24), a total of 25000 litter picks have been recorded, and 365 swap shops have been organised by schools in an aim to reduce the amount of waste generated and increase circularity of goods that already exist.